There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills

by Donna Poole

You travel a quiet backroad; it’s not your backroad, but its familiar feel says it could be. You see a group of friends laughing uproariously. One of them glances at you and sends a smile. They aren’t your friends, but you know they could be. You enter a small country church. It isn’t your church, but the warm welcome lets you know it could be. There’s healing in those brief connections, more precious than gold in the hills.

People have found gold in the hills of Brown County, Indiana. I’m sure not everyone was so quick to tell the tale, but the first recorded person to say he’d found gold was John Richards who discovered it in 1830 in Bear Creek. Commercial attempts at mining gold in 1875, 1898, 1901, and 1934 didn’t produce much, because apparently there just isn’t that much gold to be found.

There’s gold of another kind to be found in the hills though, the healing gold of connections. I wish I could remember how many years we’ve been traveling down the backroads to come home to Brown County, Indiana. We love the hills and the connections we’ve made here.

John and I grew up in the hills of New York State.

I was in fifth grade when Mom and Dad decided because we moved so much for Dad’s job as a mechanic with Mohawk Airlines, we’d just start taking our home with us. They bought a new trailer home, ten feet wide by fifty feet long, five-hundred square feet for six of us, make that seven when my sister was home on visits. Let’s just say that lack of space contributed to my early, long lasting love of being outside, especially in the hills.

I’ve always found a healing connection in what God made untouched by human hands. Even as a child I loved solitude, especially at twilight. As much as I love people, I sometimes need God’s quietness to heal.

We pulled into the campground at Brown County. The woman who handed me the map looked at my hat and smiled. It wasn’t the, “I’m so sorry” smile I often get these days. It wasn’t a quick averted “I don’t know what to say to you” glance. She looked right into my eyes. Somehow, I knew it was a “you go girl!” grin.

I told her, “On the worst of days I can’t imagine going anywhere. On my good days I keep thinking, ‘if I can just get to Brown County! I think I can heal there.’”

She laughed. “And here you are. I get it! I’m a five-year cancer survivor. I’m so glad you’re out doing this! Good for you!” She looked at John. “And good for you too! Thank you for bringing her!”

She’s not my friend, but I know she could be.

Over the years we’ve visited several small churches here in Brown County, and they’ve all felt like home. Our favorite church meets right in the park. We’ve come to love the pastor and his wife. They are friends. We couldn’t see them this time, not even at a distance, doctor’s orders.

We can’t hike our strenuous trails in these hills and laugh at each other afterward for even trying. Now John congratulates me when I go with him to carry the garbage to the bin several yards down the road.

We have a favorite little shop down in Nashville. The owner has told us snippets of stories over the years that found a home in my book. John is going to take him a signed copy of my book while I stay here at the camper. I will miss seeing him this year, but it’s okay.

I don’t mind what I can’t do. The healing human connections can wait for next time.

I’ve slept all night the last three nights, and so has John. I think the camping trip is doing more to heal my cancer than chemotherapy ever could. John and I have time here to talk about things other than cancer. We have time to live in the now.   

It’s totally still outside and in my heart as I sit in my lawn chair talking to you through my blog. The sun smiles down between tall, ancient trees. God is in His heaven, and if all is not right with the world, it will be someday.

I’ve come home to the hills.

20 Replies to “There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills”

  1. What beautiful thoughts you’ve shared, Donna. They are a real encouragement. God bless and keep you, friend, as you continue enjoying those hills.

  2. Being close to God in nature is so calming and healing for me to Donna. Breath in the fresh air, touch the trees, listen to the birds and night sounds, and just look at the wonderful hills this time.
    Love and prayers to you and Pastor.

    1. Nancy, you share our love of God and nature. Thank you for your love and prayers! God bless.

  3. Such a great story, Donna, there’s GOLD in your writings!! Yes, God does wonderful things for us, in memories and living in the moment as you do on your trip to Indiana. Great story,veven tho it brought tears…

    1. Darcy, thank you for your encouragement. I hope you’re enjoying your trip to Iowa. We went to college there and loved it.

  4. Wonderful! Yours is not my Healing Place but it could be! Mine would be a mountain in North Central Pa. i used to backpack up. The top was awesome view and a feeling I will never forget. Thank you for sharing your special place- it sparked my special place! Connections abound! tc

    1. Ron, hills anywhere are wonderful! I love the flat country of our home in Michigan too, where the corn grows tall. God bless.

  5. Vicki and I share a similar view of the valley in which God has placed us. Every day is peaceful and quiet (save for the train which frequently runs by a few hundred yards crom our house). We have a large screened in porch overlooking the valley to lookout mountain which runs up and down one side of the valley. We often have friends over for chats and sometimes even a proper English tea. We call the porch chats “valley therapy”. Thanks for sharing your story. We love and miss ya’ll.

    1. David, somehow this got lost and I didn’t see it before. Your valley therapy sounds lovely. We love and miss you too!

  6. I’m so glad you are enjoying your trip, Donna and as usual, I feel as though am right there with you. Thank you so much for sharing your uplifting outlook with us❤️
    Our son lives in the mountains of New York and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else! Perhaps he is near where John and you lived! Love you and praying for you, dear friend❤️🙏

    1. Jean, love you too! I hope you’ve had a chance to visit the beautiful hills of New York, especially in the fall!

  7. So glad you and John could get away, Donna. Sounds like you have the perfect place to rest and relax and recharge. I’ve visited Brown County twice–both times in the fall. I hope you have seen it at that time of year as well as summer. The colors are something else! I continue to pray for you regularly!

    1. Valerie, We have been in the fall too, but have never caught the peak color time. Thank you for praying for me! God bless.

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