by Donna Poole
It’s 9:40 in the morning, and I’m sad. The world seems an emptier place just now, especially at this hour. I don’t know if anyone is praying for me. Before this, I always knew.
Maynard Belt was an important and well-known man. He did major things in his lifetime of eighty-one years, pastored four churches, served as the State Representative for the Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches, and did many other things. His last area of service was president of The Fellowship of Missions. I think that was his secret; he didn’t care a thing about positions or titles; he just wanted to serve.
To me, Maynard was something invaluable; he was a friend who prayed. A few years ago, he messaged me, “Donna, I have my watch alarm set for 9:40 a.m. every day to pray specifically for you.”
He didn’t pray just for me at 9:40; Maynard and his wife Ann prayed for John too.
He sent encouraging words, uplifting songs, Bible verses, and funny memes. One meme showed two clothes pins, one dressed as a bride, the other as a groom. They were kissing. The caption read, “They met online.”
With so many friends and responsibilities, I don’t know how he made time for us, but somehow, he did. Maynard kept tract of us, of my cancer treatments, of John’s heart catheterization.
When Maynard was reading R.C. Sproul’s biography he messaged,” I love biographies whether I agree with everything or not. One statement has stuck with me, ‘Right now counts forever!’ Many blessings your way and please let’s keep in touch.”
Maybe that’s how he made time to pray for so many people; he made his “right nows” count forever. As soon as possible after a difficult surgery he returned to teaching his Sunday school class, something he loved. In addition to everything else he did, Maynard wrote books. I don’t know how many. I know he wrote a book on affliction and books of poetry too.
In one of our last chats on Facebook messenger I thanked him for his prayers. I told him, “I wish for just a second we could see the heavenly network of prayers. You should write a poem about that!”
He replied, “Maybe after this conference.”
He was getting ready for the Fellowship of Missions Conference. Maynard, Ann, and one of their daughters flew there. The plan was for Maynard to retire after serving as twelve years as president.
But he didn’t retire. He got promoted instead.
Maynard developed breathing problems on the flight and a few days later, on a Sunday morning, he went to see the Lord he’d loved and served so many years. He never wrote the poem I suggested. He didn’t write the books he still planned to write. He didn’t get to enjoy retirement years with Ann.
In May of 2020 we were talking about wanting to hear God say, “Well done!” not “Nine-tenths well done.”
Maynard said, “9-10’s will not be sufficient. So we will go ALL the way for the Lord for He went ALL the way for us. Blessings!”
On September 11, 2022, Maynard Belt heard God say, “Well done!” because he was a man who knew how to make right now count forever. I’m happy for him, but sad for his family.
As I’m writing this his memorial service is just an hour away. I can’t be there, but I’ll watch on live stream.
When 9:40 a.m. comes around tomorrow, I don’t want that prayer slot to be empty. So, I’m going to try to remember to fill it with the neediest person God suggests to me. And the network of prayer will continue to grow until it fills the sky with an intricate pattern too lovely for poetry to describe.

Thank you.for sharing That s so special.
Thank you. I enjoy reading your “From the Window Seat.” Your long-time faithfulness inspires me to keep going. God bless you and your tribe!
Love, Donna
Oh Donna what a beautiful tribute 💙🙏🏻 and I will become your 9:40am slot and I will pray( even though I pray for you and Pastor John every day), but I want to you to know I’ll be the one praying and thinking about you ❤ I love you my beautiful friend 💜
You made my eyes water! THANK YOU! God bless you. I’m sending you a hug.
Love, Donna
Lovely and thoughtful tribute to a wonderful friend. I think he is still praying for you at 9:40 a.m., only in a different form than his earthly prayer.
I absolutely agree 💝🙏🏻💞 So beautifully said 💜
I love your comment! And perhaps he is. It’s a lovely thought!
Blessings, my friend. Donna
How blessed you were to have such a friend, Donna! Prayers of comfort for all who loved Maynard🙏🙏
Cherish all the wonderful memories he gave to you…until that glorious homecoming day when you meet again 🙏🙏❤️❤️
He’s an inspiration to be more faithful in prayer. Yes, we were so blessed to have him. And we’ll meet again, at Jesus feet! Thank you for praying for his family!
Blessings! Donna
Thank you for sharing Donna. I will never look at 9:40 am the same. If ever I glance at the clock at that time, I will pray for someone. I will storm the gates of heaven.
Sis ( Rosemary Kinert) Your comment to Donna is touching 💝 As I told Donna that I would now take that 9:40am spot for her, please know that as your little sister, I will also take that 9:40am spot for my beautiful and amazing Sissy ❤ I’m honored to pray for the two most precious people in my life💜💞💜
You’ve come to my mind a few times at 9:40. I’ve talked to God about your battle.
Blessings! Donna
Donna by far one of your best if not the best. God bless!
Getting old isn’t for the weak of heart, is it? Our prayers for you and Lynn!
Blessings! Donna
Once again, I was touched in my heart. My friend Elizabeth wrote a touching post on Facebook about Maynard and what he meant to her and her family. As I read it, I thought, how wonderful it would be if all pastors could have someone write such a comment on their obituary page. And now, you added this post. God must have used him to touch many lives in unique and ‘timely’ ways through prayer. I am confident he heard that ‘Well done’ upon his arrival in heaven. And I have no doubt, you will have someone taking his place and you will have many laid upon your heart to pray for at 10:40. Blessings on you and John.
Thank you! John and I set our phones to take Maynard’s slot. We pray many others will do the same.
God bless you and Randy! I don’t think “retirement” is the right word for you two. You seem pretty busy to me!
Love, Donna
A beautiful tribute. Thanks for the blessing, Donna.
Isn’t a praying friend one of the best gifts God gives us on this earth?
God bless you and yours!
Thanks Donna. That was a blessing! love and prayers from Italy, and that ought to thrill your Italian soul!
I think you and Rachel are probably close to our already are leading the Italian tour right now! I hope everyone on it eats a plate of pasta for me! 🙂
God bless you as you continue to serve. We keep up with your prison ministry through Facebook.
Blessings! Donna
This made me cry because I am so unfaithful in praying for people I have said I would pray for. Love you. Sorry for your loss and his gain. I am praying for you right now
I cried for the exact same reason. We can do better in the days we have left!
Hugs and God bless you!
Love, Donna
Thank you for this beautiful rememberance to my dad! Mom sent it to me… I heard about you many times and what an amazing and strong human you are! This post brought me to tears and made me learn even more about the man my dad was through your writing. I can’t promise to pray for you at 9:40 everyday exactly but will keep you in my thoughts and prayers daily as you go through the struggles ahead. Thank you for being such a positive influence in this world… love and prayers! Melanie grewe (Maynard’s daughter)
Dear Melanie,
Your dad was one of a kind, an amazing man. I think he must have blessed every life he touched. Since his homegoing John and I have set our phones to phones to ring at 9:4o a.m. and we pray. We can’t replace him, but we can stand in the gap. I want you to know that I’ve been praying for your mom and all of the family at that time each day. May God hold you close!
Love, Donna