Christmas Eve with Mary

Fireside Thoughts

by Donna Poole

He, Yahweh, the Name too sacred to speak, had given her a task.
She wasn’t sorry she’d said yes to Him. But she was tired.

She hadn’t known before people could be this tired, too tired to cry.

But she had faith, and so she endured as seeing Him Who is invisible.

On and on she plodded through the darkness with Joseph. Surely, after all these days of travel, Bethlehem must be close.
Yes! There it was, just ahead.
And then the first labor pain hit. A moan escaped her lips.


She nodded mutely, and Joseph looked worried, this gentle, quiet man who trusted her and God against all reason.

Mary loved her husband, but as the second labor pain tightened she felt lonely. She wanted her mother, her cousin Elisabeth, any woman family member. Mary had never birthed a baby; she had no idea what to do. Joseph was a carpenter, not even a farmer whose knowledge of livestock birthing might have helped.

She hadn’t known before people could feel this lonely.

But she had faith, and so she endured as seeing Him Who is invisible.

A fear she could taste replaced loneliness as one after another turned Joseph away. Must she give birth in this street crowded with pushing, gawking strangers? Was this how God took care of those who said yes to Him?

She hadn’t known before people could feel this terror.

But she had faith, and so she endured as seeing Him Who is invisible.

Finally, a resting place! The stable looked crude, but at least she’d have some privacy and not a minute too soon. Now there was nothing left in the world but pain; no yesterday, no tomorrow, only this unbearable agony.

She hadn’t known before people could suffer like this.

But she had faith, and so she endured as seeing Him Who is invisible.

Then it was over. Joseph placed the baby in her arms. She gazed into His tiny face and cried with joy.

She hadn’t known before people could love like this.

How could this be? She was seeing the God-man,





She hadn’t known before people could worship like this.

“Thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.” —Matthew 1:21

Glory! Glory to God in the highest!

4 Replies to “Christmas Eve with Mary”

  1. Thank you for sharing! That was a blessing! I trust that you and John had a wonderful Christmas together with those you love. We love you too but Perugia was too far to come!

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